March 20, 2023

The Right Resources & Skills Are Key to Application Development Success

Application development as a part of digital transformation and infrastructure modernization require the right resources to ensure success. There are several types of personnel that you may need on your team to carry out the project. Some key roles include Project Managers, Business Analysts, UX/UI Designers, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, and DevOps Engineers. These knowledgeable individuals can make all the difference in your app dev strategy.

Overall, a successful application development team will have a mix of skills and expertise to cover all aspects of the app dev process. They should be able to work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and be willing to adapt to changing requirements and priorities throughout the project. If you lack the necessary skills and personnel internally, Oxford can help! We have an established team of experts that can tackle your application development needs to move your business forward.

Top IT/App Dev Skills in Demand in 2023  

IT and app dev skills are heating up in 2023 as more and more companies are demanding vital overhauls and further modernization of their web and enterprise systems. According to Indeed, eight of the top 10 “best jobs” are technology roles. In addition, growing technological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and machine learning contribute to the market trajectory for various skill sets.

Per LinkedIn, the following IT and app dev skills are taking center stage:

  • Python (programming language)
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • Cloud computing
  • Project management
  • Data analysis
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)

Operating on outdated programs that don’t accommodate the digital transformation age is no longer sound. Instead, you must actively consider increased customer satisfaction, enhanced employee productivity, heightened visibility and transparency, improved security, convenience, and ease of transactions.

Web applications are just one facet of digital transformation that is changing how businesses work. Communication, collaboration, information sharing, project management, and more have been enabled or upgraded with digital transformation efforts involving superior application development strategies.

In summary, optimal online and digital performance is essential for long-term success. That starts by acquiring experts with the proper IT and app dev skills to move your business forward.

Getting Started 

Before beginning any app dev project, you will need requirements. Each developer will work off a set of requirements, including look and feel, scope, form operation, timelines, etc. These requirements tell the developer what they should be making and should be as thorough as possible.

An experienced development team can help refine those requirements. They will be thinking of user errors or potential issues that may arise outside the requirements’ scope. Once these are defined, your development team will know how to most effectively carry out your initiative.

UX/UI Skills 

Although they are often used interchangeably, UX and UI design are very different things—one focuses on user experience (UX) and the other on the user interface (UI). Explained simply, UX is all about how a user interacts with and experiences a product, service, website, or enterprise system. Contrarily, UI focuses on the look and feel. This is where user interactions occur.

Both consider the user at the forefront—what are their pain points, and how can they be fixed? But put into practice, UI will primarily touch on what is seen throughout a user’s journey, and UX will make that journey possible.

Despite their differences, the two overlap, creating the most optimal user journey when considered together.

A UX/UI designer is responsible for designing an application’s user interface and user experience. They will create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to help visualize the design and work with the development team to ensure that the final product meets the users’ needs.

Best implemented as a whole, skills for UX and UI differ, so it’s important to cover your bases.

UX skills include:

  • User research and analysis
  • Wireframing, prototyping, user flows, mockups
  • Information architecture
  • Application development
  • Usability testing

UI skills include:

  • Visual branding skills (e.g., typography, color theory, icon design, etc.)
  • Design software
  • User research and personas
  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Responsive design
  • Animation and interactivity

UX/UI skills are incredibly important, as they focus on the experience of those utilizing and interacting with your product – your customers. You must ensure that your UX/UI developers can implement the necessary elements for the best possible user experience.

Front-End Skills 

Sometimes referred to as the client side, the front end of a website includes those components seen by the user and helps steer navigation and interaction. A front-end developer is responsible for coding these various components and ensuring a positive and user-friendly experience. Put simply, these individuals are needed to create and maintain websites, taking note of functionality and layout.

You’re not alone if you’re looking for people with expertise in this area. Since COVID-19, there has been a substantial increase in demand for front-end skills, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasting job growth of 23% in this field from 2021 to 2031—a far cry from the norm.

Front-end skills include:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript

When searching for the right person to implement your front-end development needs, it’s important to consider the skill set required to get this part right. This will be the part of your website or app that your customers will see and come to know and associate with your company or brand. Therefore, you cannot afford to overlook this process. Oxford understands the significance of front-end development and has built a strong network of individuals with this type of unique experience that know how to make an excellent first impression for your users.

Back-End Skills 

Unlike the front end of a website, users who visit the site do not see the back end (or the server side). Instead, it is focused on the behind-the-scenes components that make a website’s existence possible. It’s also where the data is stored.

A back-end developer helps to build and maintain these components that give life to the client-facing side of a website. In other words, communications sent and received by the back end influence what happens on the front end. Therefore, without the back-end work, the front-end would cease to exist.

Back-end skills include:

  • C#
  • Golang
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Storage (MongoDB, MySQL, etc.)

While there are many different options to choose from for your back-end development needs, the right individual will guide you through the pros and cons of each. Our seasoned experts have the know-how to help you create a more optimized website that provides you with the data you need to continuously improve.

Full Stack Skills 

“The hottest job on the market right now is in tech [as a] full stack developer,” according to a 2023 article published by CNBC Make It.

Full-stack technology combines the best of both worlds. It extends to all computer system applications involving the front and back ends, fully acknowledging their intersections. Websites have grown in complexity over the years, making it difficult for one person to build and maintain them. Typically, teams of experts work together to make top-notch websites come together.

However, with time and practice, tech professionals can gain enough knowledge and understanding of all emerging technologies that affect and command both sides of a site. These adept individuals can easily switch between front-end and back-end development.

One 2020 survey comprising 65,000 developers worldwide showed that just over half—or about 54.9%—identified as full-stack developers. The publication states, “[Full stack] versatility has become increasingly vital as newer apps begin incorporating AI and other sophisticated technologies into their programming.” Now more than ever, having someone who fully understands what makes things tick regarding enterprise-level applications is important.

Full stack skills include:

  • Front-end languages and frameworks
  • Back-end technologies and frameworks
  • Database management systems
  • Version control systems
  • Web hosting platforms

Although full-stack developers might be hard to find, we maintain a relationship with several well-seasoned full-stack developers who are ready to support you at a moment’s notice.

Partner With Oxford for Your Applications Development Projects 

With a surge in demand for skilled IT professionals and a lack of time and resources to upskill, many companies must look outward for experts to aid them in digital transformation solutions and apps dev projects. Oxford is confident in our ability to deliver The Right Talent. Right Now.

We believe our success is directly tied to your success and are committed to making that a reality. We want to help move your business into the future to achieve superior digital and enterprise abilities. We will partner with you to drive great outcomes. We promise to be with you every step of the way.

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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