December 3, 2019

Compliance with a Homeland Security Directive

Discover how an Oxford consultant helped our client create a more secure IT environment.


Risk Analysis & Compliance
Identity & Access Management

Identity Credential & Access Management (ICAM)
Solution Architecture
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
PIV Smart Card & Access Control

The Challenge
A large government organization was facing a deadline to comply with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD12). The policy set a common identification standard for all federal employees and contractors. Any organization that did not achieve compliance would potentially become in breach of their contract and receive significant penalty fines. Our client needed the right expert to architect and implement an Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM) solution.

The Solution
Oxford connected them to a senior consultant who brought 22 years of IT and Cybersecurity experience, with 13 years specializing in Identity and Access Management. With an extensive background in Healthcare and Federal Government industries, he had implemented multi-factor authentication for more than 225,000 people. The initial goal was to architect and implement an ICAM solution. In addition, based on our consultant’s recommendations, our client adjusted the scope to include a multi-factor authentication process for several thousand employees. This process would ensure all employees and contractors would be credentialed, and provided an assigned ID with a smart card to log on to IT systems. With our consultant’s direction, 13 additional consultants were brought on the assignment, seven of which were placed by Oxford.

The Result
HSPD12 standards were successfully achieved by implementing an ICAM solution. Based on the strategy and guidance provided, the client not only implemented HSPD12 requirements, but they also fully optimized their security program. The project team integrated all active directory and Linux systems and applications with a certificate-based multi-factor authentication solution, and then helped the organization ensure all employees were in compliance in time to meet their deadline.

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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