June 11, 2019

Interaction Design for Digital Experience

Wireless Provider

Strategic Development
Workforce Management
User Experience Design

UX/UI Design
Interaction Design
Agile Methodology

The Challenge
Our client required a partner who could provide the right solution to support their initiatives to create an automated, service-based platform for virtual and augmented reality experiences designed for the gaming industry. The platform needed to be compatible with various types of real-world media. Prior to engaging our consulting services team, the client was struggling to find resources with quality gaming experience, resulting in slow progress on the project.

The Solution
Our flexible solution adapted our standard delivery model to fit the needs of this unique project. Our local account manager and technical director began by immersing themselves in the gaming and 3D graphics community at a five day conference. Using their knowledge of the community they implemented a sourcing strategy that included the following customized activities for our delivery personnel:

  1. Attendance of unique gaming and VR career fairs
  2. Joining applicable niche technology/gaming forums
  3. In-person networking and social initiatives

By integrating our staff within the community, we refined our existing graphics engine and gaming development knowledge, which improved our ability to assess the quality of candidates interested in working on this project. To add value for our customer, our team designed and co-developed training, workshops, development classes, and industry partnerships. We also developed and managed a skills testing program unique to each skill set requirement. Some examples of this program were tests created specifically for graphics engineers and computer vision engineers. Skill sets we provided in support of this project included:

  • 3D Modeling
  • Business Analysis
  • Visual Designers
  • Computer Vision Engineers

The Result
The experience design group delivers optimized user experiences across the journey to customers based on their individual usage history and current state of usage, which enables customers to select specific activities to self-manage their accounts. The approach simultaneously delivered effective products while creating an in-house studio, processes and strategy that were ultimately transitioned in-house to the customer to support various applications and digital experience initiatives.

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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