January 31, 2020

Performance Management Tool to Prepare Scorecards

Cable Provider

Business Intelligence

ETL Development
Data Management
Business Analysis
Systems Analysis
QA and Testing

The Challenge
Our client required a performance management tool to prepare scorecards to support their effort of monitoring the performance of frontline employees against business objectives. The Employee Information Database required enhancements to integrate employee data from various systems including billing, telephone, survey, sales, scheduling, timesheet and quality. The employee data needed to be populated into various data marts to support a variety of reporting needs (e.g. scorecards, management reporting, dashboards, and compensation).

The Solution
We provided consulting services to support project throughout during the entire system development life cycle, including requirements definition; database design; employee data mart and data import requirements; ETL code and systems administration documentation; and quality assurance. Upon completion of the project, the client engaged our team to provide maintenance and analysis.

The Result
We partnered with our client to provide a next generation platform for development and support for their Employee Information Database and reporting system. The project was completed on time and met all budgetary objectives. Our work provided our client with the following results:

  • A mission-critical application for customer satisfaction and performance reporting with an improved requirements management process
  • An estimation model for application support and enhancements
  • Overall bottom-line savings

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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