November 14, 2019

Proactive Recruiting for Controls Engineering

Discover how Oxford provides talent to support controls engineering projects.

Professional Services

Robotics & Controls

Controls Engineering

The Challenge
A controls engineering contractor relied on Oxford to fill positions at assignments throughout the United States, often with very little notice. Because the assignments were at third-party locations, our client needed to trust that we would deliver reliable, highly qualified consultants who would represent our client’s commitments.

The Solution
As part of our long-term relationship, we sent our client matching resumes on a regular basis. On more than one occasion, we had suggested just the person they required. This included the following projects:

  • One consultant was asked to be on site the very next day after our account manager sent his resume. Our pre-vetting made it possible.
  • A resume sent a year previous led to a position being filled in a hard-to-staff location.
  • Another Oxford consultant moved from job to job, in multiple states, wherever they needed coverage for permanent employees.

The Result
Oxford’s proactive approach, coupled with a keen understanding of our client’s business and a thorough vetting process enabled the account manager to anticipate the client needs. Our client appreciated how Oxford consultants helped them complete specialized technical assignments wherever and whenever the need arose. This has led to a strong and continuing partnership.

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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