July 7, 2023

Replacement of PLM with Centric C8 Leveraging AWS

A global American retailer wanted to leverage our understanding of Amazon Web Services™ (AWS), including best practices and optimization opportunities for their cloud-based applications.

Consumer & Industrial


RDS Proxy
API Gateway

The Challenge
Oxford Global Resources has a six-year history of providing high-quality, consistent support to a global American retailer. They wanted to leverage our expertise and understanding of Amazon Web Services™ (AWS), including best migration practices and optimization opportunities for their cloud-based applications.

The client aimed to replace their current Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) application with Centric C8. They required assistance to rewrite the integration into their homegrown Retail Price Management (RPM) application. In addition, our client needed Java Developers with AWS experience to support their pricing. This initiative included rewriting the integration process to send pricing data from the new application to the RPM and updating it to accommodate new requirements.

The current inbound and outbound integrations would also be rewritten as part of the process.

The Solution
Our consultants helped the client realize the potential of their AWS cloud environment and migrated or rewrote the PLM integrations as needed using AWS Services. These complex integrations involve interaction with several external and on-prem databases and applications. The consultants had experience in batch integration and data logic and effectively communicating with business and technical team members.

To tackle data flowing to and from Centric C8, our client utilized AWS Lambda for computing business logic in a serverless fashion, SQS for the complex data exchange, API Gateway to publish and maintain endpoints securely, and RDS Proxy to pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale.

The Result
As we continue the initial phases of the project, we will conduct training and knowledge transfer so that the client’s internal staff can continue after our team’s departure. In addition, we will run in-depth AWS evaluation tool sets to conduct assessments and provide cost savings while performing additional development activities.

Quality. Commitment.

Whether you want to advance your business or your career, Oxford is here to help. With 40 years’ experience, we know that a great partnership is key to success. Start a conversation today.

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