July 14, 2022

Oxford Cares: Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation

As part of our Oxford Cares CSR initiative, we strive to make an impact by supporting local, national, and global causes. Each year, we are committed to exemplifying the Oxford core values by building a better future for the world and all people in it through fundraising and other charitable activities.

One charity that we proudly support with ongoing fundraising initiatives is the Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation.

The Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation was created to alleviate Tanzanian children’s suffering and provide a home where they would be nurtured in a loving, safe environment to provide them with the potential to flourish in the future.

In 2022 alone, we have donated over €10,000 to the foundation through various fundraising efforts undertaken by our Oxford colleagues, such as the Cork City Marathon. The funds raised will assist The Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation in reaching its goal of providing safe accommodation, good quality education and access to healthcare for the children of Tanzania.

As we continue to support Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation, six Oxford employees will visit Boma Ng’ombe, Tanzania, and spend time volunteering, helping Tír na nÓg’s mission of educating and caring for orphans and children in need in Tanzania. While in Tanzania, our Oxford teammates will also donate eight laptops to be used by the children at the orphanage as part of their day-to-day education.

Louise Quill, CEO of Tír na nÓg Children’s Foundation, said, “We are so appreciative of the kindness and generosity that so many people at Oxford Global Resources have shown towards our Children at Tír na nÓg.


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