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CMS Rules and the Telehealth Revolution

To align with directives in the presidential executive orders, the CMS have proposed updates to their existing policies. These new proposals will have a significant impact on telehealth services.

septembre 10, 2020

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The ABCs of Certified Tumor Registrars

In 2020, it is anticipated that there will be 1,806,590 new cases of cancer reported and over 606,502 deaths. In order to effectively collect and analyze this data and provide better patient outcomes, organizations partner with Certified Tumor Registrars.

août 12, 2020

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Spotlight On: Stern Vilé: Director of Recruiting, Life Sciences

Stern Vilé has spent years learning to encourage his mentees to flourish. After forming a habit to reflect a positive attitude, he quickly advanced in his career as a recruiter. Now, as a Director of Recruiting, Stern continues to develop his recruitment skills and harness them to help his team...

juillet 30, 2020

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Meet Shannon: Outpatient Auditor and Coder

Shannon’s professional background is primarily in teaching and auditing, and she has been partnering with Oxford for over 10 years. She enjoys working with Oxford because she knows “it is a company that appreciates their consultants.”

juillet 17, 2020

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Meet Edward: Medical Writing Consultant

Edward is a medical writing consultant with experience in almost every therapeutic area. When he began consulting, he fit into medical writing based on his background in scientific publications, regulatory writing, developments, and approvals.

juin 10, 2020

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Ways to Listen and Support Diversity Locally and Globally

“If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals. Let’s get to work.” – Barack Obama: June 1, 2020

juin 3, 2020

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COVID-19 Condition Code “DR” and Modifier “CR”

With fluctuating COVID-19 cases and the unknown elements of infection and reinfection, condition codes and modifiers are being appended to every claim associated with COVID-19. This summary will explain best practices for approaching billing and claims during this time.

mai 4, 2020

The Right Choice.Right Now.

Nos études approfondies révèlent pourquoi des milliers d’organisations du monde entier font appel à notre réseau de professionnels. Rejoignez-les en nous rejoignant.