December 3, 2019

Bridging the Gap between IT and Physicians



Clinical Workflow Analysis
Application Training

The Challenge
An IT manager for an acute care, 128-bed facility initially rolled out their first Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) system. Group training and weekend sessions were set up for the providers, but there were few participants. Nearly 2,200 electronic orders had been entered when a lead provider on the CPOE physician team aired his grievances about the tool at an executive meeting, complaining there was a lack of IT support available and no CMIO on staff to lead the initiative.

In addition, order sets were built using Zynx™ standard content, but not enough specialty order sets were built. Once the lead CPOE physician aired his concerns, the other providers followed suit. Due to the lack of buy-in, the CPOE was immediately turned off – just two short months after its initial launch. In order to achieve successful adoption of the technology, the hospital required the support of their administrative staff and physicians.

The Solution
Two Oxford consultants were brought on to help lead Round 2 of the MEDITECH™ software implementation. Both consultants had experience implementing CPOE go-lives and helped bridge communications between IT staff and physicians. Our consultants helped relay to the other departments that CPOE implementation wasn’t just an ‘IT project,’ but an initiative that could enhance the level of care the hospital provided to their patients.

The Result
Oxford consultants reviewed and amended the Zynx order sets where needed and worked to empower the doctors’ confidence in using the new system, assisting with follow-up training sessions and fielding inquiries. Following the go-live date, our consultants remained onsite for six weeks during both the day and evening shifts to ensure the rollout was a success.

The hospital’s CPOE remains at 97% and they achieved Stage 1 Meaningful Use.

Quality. Commitment.

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