Case Study

CMO Management and Product Transfers

CMO Management and Product Transfers

Discover how Oxfordā€™s eight-year partnership with a CMO Management group allowed them to consistently achieve goals and expand their business. INDUSTRY Pharmaceuticals SERVICES Validation SKILLS Change Control Change Management Product Transfer Technical Transfer The...

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Outsourced Coding Managed Service

Outsourced Coding Managed Service

A healthcare client was seeking a partner to outsource the entire coding process including tighter management to increase productivity and reduce the Discharged Not Final Billed (DNFB). Learn how their partnership with Oxford helped them achieve their goals.Ā  INDUSTRY...

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Four Business Units Migrated to Azure Cloud

Four Business Units Migrated to Azure Cloud

INDUSTRY Telecommunications SERVICES Data Architecture Data Pipelines Business Process Mapping Agile PMO SKILLS Azure Architect Azure Developers Business System Analysts Scrum Master The Challenge Our client wanted to consolidate legacy systems supporting four...

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